大多数运动机能学专业的学生将完成他们专业教练证书的大部分要求. However, a Kinesiology major is not required for this certificate.
如果你有资格做教练,那么教练证书可能会增加你获得教育工作者工作的可能性. High schools in Virginia are required to hire certified coaches.
这个项目教会了我如何根据每个学生运动员的个人优点和缺点来区分他们. 我也能够学习到各种实践策略以及团队建设计划. All of these have been vital to my success so far as a coach.”
Taylor Slaughenhoupt | Kinesiology Major with Coaching Certificate ’16
Learn More About This Program
Shenandoah University’s College of Arts & Sciences is your direct connection to a classic, 基础广泛的教育,满足你的求知欲和职业目标. With a 10:1 student-faculty ratio, small classes and individualized learning opportunities, we put students at the center of all our decisions and events.
我们将文科与专业前课程和实践学习相结合,为您在自然科学领域的职业生涯做好准备, the social sciences and the humanities. You’ll learn through small, engaging classes and relationships with faculty mentors; hone your skills to solve problems; and learn to use creativity and critical thinking to make informed decisions.
Minor in This Program
运动机能学辅修课程是为非运动机能学专业但对校际或校际运动有兴趣的学生设计的. 辅修课的学时较少,因此可以在较短的时间内完成.
Career Possibilities
如果你有资格当教练,辅修教练课程可能会增加你获得教育工作者工作的可能性. High schools in Virginia are required to hire certified coaches.
Taylor Slaughenhoupt | Kinesiology Major with Coaching Certificate ’16
就业服务办公室提供全面的服务和资源,以帮助谢南多学生在他们的职业寻找. Services offered include resume and cover letter building, mock interviews, and professional dining etiquette workshops.
该项目的最后一门课程是由谢南多厄棒球队教练凯文·安德森教授的. 学习教练的秘密和战术,从教练谁已经把他们的运动项目到新的高度. In 2009 and 2010, 安德森被美国棒球教练协会和维吉尼亚州体育信息总监评为年度最佳教练. 这四次是安德森自2009年以来获得的七次年度最佳教练荣誉中的四次.
Required Courses
- KIN 101 Lifetime Fitness and Wellness, 1 Credit
- KIN 1xx* Coaching Elective, 1 Credit
- KIN 191 First Aid and CPR, 1 Credit
- KIN 252 Personal and Community Health, 3 Credits
- KIN 477 Principles and Philosophy of Coaching, 3 Credits *
- KNS 262 Instructional Strategies for Team Sports, 3 Credits
- KNS 263 Instructional Strategies for Teaching Individual and Dual Sports, 3 Credits
- KNS 322 Motor Development, 3 Credits
- KNS 370 Measurement and Evaluation in PE and Sport, 3 Credits
- EXSC 270 Structural Kinesiology, 3 Credits (prerequisite for EXSC 387)
- EXSC 280 Care and Treatment of Athletic Injuries, 3 Credits
- EXSC 350 Sport and Exercise Psychology, 3 Credits *
- EXSC 352 Sports Nutrition for Health and Performance, 3 Credits
- EXSC 387 Principles of Strength and Conditioning, 4 Credits
Total: 36 credits
我最喜欢教练证书课程的部分是能够体验多个层次的教学和教练. 通过这种方式,我能够向各种不同的老师和教练学习. 为了帮助一个团队取得成功,我必须知道什么该做,什么不该做.”
Taylor Slaughenhoupt | Kinesiology Major with Coaching Certificate ’16
学习支持服务提供给所有学生在每门课程谢南多厄. 在这所大学的任何课程中,都可以与之前成功学习过这门课程的学生进行免费的同伴辅导. 写作中心可用于从论文开发到校对和参考书目协助的写作过程的每个阶段. The Math Enrichment Center is available for math and science assistance. 大学的教授和学术顾问也有办公时间和开放政策,以确保谢南多学生在学业上取得成功.
Application Information
澳门网上赌博平台实行滚动招生,全年接受申请. Applications are reviewed individually and holistically.
Study Abroad
Make studying abroad the highlight of your college experience! Whether you go for a year, a semester, or just a few weeks. You will never forget learning in another culture! 国际项目中心在这里帮助你计划你的留学经历. 尽早开始你的计划,以确保你在国外完成的课程计入你的学位,并确保你按时毕业.
Global Experiential Learning (GEL) Program
全球体验式学习(GEL)项目为谢南多学生提供短期的学习机会, faculty-led, study-abroad experience for academic credit. These short-term, credit-bearing, faculty-led programs are offered winter break, spring break, and during the summer. If a course is not within your major, it might be used as an elective.
Study Abroad
澳门网上赌博平台是国际学生交流计划(ISEP)的成员。, a global network of 300 universities. 这种合作关系允许学生在国外的其他成员学校学习一个完整的学期或一年. 通过与他们的学术顾问和留学顾问密切合作, 学生可以在获得谢南多学分的同时,在国外学习英语授课.
澳门网上赌博平台还与世界各地的几所大学保持着直接的合作关系. 这些关系允许州立大学的学生作为交换生到国外学习,也允许这些大学的学生到州立大学学习. All partner universities offer courses taught in English.